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157 Gardai attested brings total number of force to over 14,000



157 Gardai attested brings total number of force to over 14,000

157 Gardaí have been attested and sworn in on Friday, bringing the total number of active members on the force to over 14,000.

The new gardaí were recruited as part of the 2022 recruitment campaign, with 102 of those sworn in men (65%), while 55 were female (35%).

17 of the Gardaí were born outside of Ireland — with those who were born outside of Ireland being born in the USA, UK, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Brazil and Romania.

157 gardaí have been attested and sworn in on Friday, bringing the total number of active members on the force to over 14,000. Pic: Leah Farrell/

The new attestations bring the strength of the gardaí to 14,100 sworn gardaí, 3,502 Garda staff, and 329 Garda reserves. A further 294 recruits, two intakes, are currently undergoing the training programme at the Garda College.

The next intake of Garda recruits is scheduled to enter the Garda College in Terenure on July 1, while the 157 newly attested gardaí bring to 710 the number of probationer gardaí attested since recruitment recommenced in 2022 following Covid-19 restrictions paused recruitment in 2020.

The new 157 attested Gardaí will be allocated as follows:

  • Dublin Region: 102
  • Eastern Region: 38
  • Southern Region: 11
  • Northwestern Region: 6
The new attestations bring the strength of the Gardaí to 14,100 sworn Gardaí, 3,502 Garda staff, and 329 Garda reserves.

‘In applying to become a Garda you took the first steps towards a rewarding and varied career,’ Commissioner Drew Harris said at the attestion. ‘And now as you prepare to embark on the road ahead, it is important to remember the journey to where you are today. It has taken strength. It has taken dedication. It has taken a drive to succeed, and a desire to be of service.

‘As Gardaí you have a responsibility to serve the people of Ireland. To keep them safe. To put them first. To act ethically. Professionally. And with integrity to protect the human rights of everyone you come into contact with. As Gardaí it is your duty to maintain the highest standards. It is what the public expect and deserve, and what I expect too. Being a Garda is a privilege and an honour.’

Garda Commissioner Drew Harris. Pic: Gareth Chaney/Collins
Garda Commissioner Drew Harris welcomed the new attested Gardaí saying that they have a responsibility to serve the people of Ireland. Pic: Gareth Chaney/Collins

‘Thank you for choosing a career in An Garda Síochána. I hope the weeks and months ahead brings plenty of great first experiences and that your journey with us in An Garda Síochána is a long and fulfilling one. I now formally congratulate you on becoming members of An Garda Síochána.’

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