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Man accused of sexually assaulting woman during party in Dublin



Man accused of sexually assaulting woman during party in Dublin

case adjourned | 

The man is accused of touching the woman outside her clothing while they were at a party last summer.

A partygoer sexually assaulted a woman by touching her bottom while they were socialising in west Dublin, it is alleged.

The man is accused of touching the woman outside her clothing while they were at a party last summer.

The case was adjourned at Blanchardstown District Court for the accused to decide how he intends to plead to the charge.

The accused, in his 40s, is charged with sexual assault on the woman on a date in June, 2023.

The charge is under Section 2 of the Criminal Law (Rape) (Amendment) Act 1990.

A garda sergeant told Judge David McHugh the Director of Public Prosecutions consented to the case being dealt with at district court level subject to the issue of jurisdiction being considered.

Judge McHugh asked for an outline of the proposed evidence.

The sergeant said the complainant came to a garda station in the west of the city and said she had been attending a party between 2.30am and 3am on the date in question.

“It’s alleged that the accused touched the injured party on her buttock, outside her clothing,” the sergeant said.

Judge McHugh accepted jurisdiction, allowing the case to remain in the district court. He ordered disclosure of prosecution evidence to the defence and adjourned the case to a date in September for compliance with that order.

The judge also granted free legal aid after an application was made by the accused’s barrister, Ciaran MacLoughlin, who filed a statement of the man’s financial means. The barrister said he was requesting legal aid given the man’s income and the “nature of the charge”.

The accused has not yet indicated how he intends to plead.

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