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Sharon Garland reflects on ‘The nine month job interview’



Sharon Garland reflects on ‘The nine month job interview’

My decision to run for local election came from years of volunteering in the community and seeing all the areas that are so obviously lacking and trying to do something about them from the outside seemed impossible.

My dad suggested the only way to get things done is to be there when decisions are being made and put the idea in my head to run for the local elections; this was March/April 2023. I initially dismissed the idea but mentioned it to some friends and colleagues and they all encouraged me to go for it.

I made my definite decision to run in the local elections in October of 2023, during my campaign I was asked to consider joining two different parties both of which I refused, as I felt it was not for me as I have no political aspirations; I just wanted to represent the community.

I started a Facebook page just to get my name out there to let people know I was intending to run in the elections and also to provide valuable information to people and groups who need information. I do intend to keep this page going. What most people don’t realise, and I certainly didn’t realise, is the time and work that goes into a campaign.

I have never been so physically, emotionally and financially exhausted for basically a job interview that lasted nine months but in hindsight this was down to my own naivety. I did make mistakes. I had many offers of help that I didn’t use, as I really didn’t know how full on it would become.

From the minute you leave your house you are being stopped on the street, asked your opinion on various matters which I thoroughly enjoyed and I never received any abuse. I was also very aware of everything I posted online as you are conscious of how it might be perceived. I made the decision that nobody else would go canvassing for me.

Every door that was knocked on I was there and I knocked on over 2,500 doors, and if you had ‘no junk mail’ or driveway gates closed I respected your privacy. Yet I still had people say “ah you didn’t knock on my door asking for my vote.”

It would not be possible to get around to every single door and talk to every single person unless you had lots of time on your hands and didn’t have any other commitments for 12 months up to the election. I can’t say I loved canvassing, I really felt at least 50% of the houses you are just disturbing their family or quiet time but I did really enjoy chatting with people when they did engage on the doors.

I found when knocking on doors and chatting to people that they did want change but this did not come through in the votes, as from the early stages of the tally on June 8th it was obvious that the same staunch party politics and people would be re-elected. The only reason there are any new faces in the Carrick Municipal area is because some councillors retired.

It is very disappointing and worrying for the town of Carrick that no one who is living or working in the immediate town is sitting on the council now. I will be passing on all the issues raised by me and to me at the doors to the sitting councillors and I look forward to seeing the outcome.

I have done a quick reflection and I gave well over 400 hours between workshops, meetings, preparation and canvassing and it cost me in excess of €2,000 for which I was able to do most of it in my own business, Kilmore Signs, or trade prices through other contacts, all while trying to keep my own businesses and family commitments going.

I couldn’t have done this without the support from my family and campaign team. I don’t regret it even though I didn’t get elected. I have gained a huge amount, made new friends, met some fantastic people and it has given me huge insight into the community and how people see it.

As for the question will I run again? I have described it a bit like childbirth, it’s really too soon to talk about that! But I will continue to do the work that I am involved in with the community.










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