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‘After years of abuse, working on the farm is the reason I’m alive today’



‘After years of abuse, working on the farm is the reason I’m alive today’

John Murphy ‘could barely speak at all’ and wouldn’t trust anyone until he joined a social farming programme on Richard Moeran’s 500ac Cavan farm 12 years ago. The 20-week stint went so well that he got a job on the mixed holding when it ended, and he has been there ever since. John explains how farm life has been ‘life-changing’ – and Richard reveals how the initiative has benefited him too

John Murphy with the sheep on Farren-Connell farm in Mountnugent, Co Cavan; he started on a social farming programme there 12 years ago and has been working there ever since

‘The first time I could really feel the breeze on my face was at the farm,” says John Murphy, “It was my first proper job over 10 years ago — I could feel the rain hit me and it was the first time I felt alive.

“Now I work at a farm three days a week. I don’t think I would have been alive if it weren’t for this work.”

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