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Gardaí warn of series of thefts from cars and of vehicles across Cork



Gardaí warn of series of thefts from cars and of vehicles across Cork

Gardaí have issued a warning following a series of thefts from cars and of vehicles themselves across Cork.

Cork Gardaí are appealing to motorists to be extra vigilant as thefts are on the rise, especially cars that are left unlocked.

Garda Oonagh Collins from Clonakilty Garda Station said a series of thefts occurred from unlocked cars in the Coachford area, with one vehicle where the keys were actually in the car. 

“We are asking that you secure your property at all times, park in well lit areas and remove all valuable items from the vehicle. At least keep valuables out of sight or put them in a boot if you cannot remove them from the vehicle.” 

Similiar Incidents have been recorded in parts of the city and county. 

Rathcormac local Sarah DeWale told The Echo that vehicles were tampered with outside her home.

“We have a camera outside so in the video, which is only about 20 seconds long, it’s very fast, you can see a man with a hood up and what looked like a balaclava on. It was 4:03 am on the camera and you can see him go up to my neighbour’s car, my brother’s and my dad’s van, checking all the handles. Thank God they were all locked.” 

Ms DeWale said: “It didn’t seem as if he wanted to rob the actual car, it was if he wanted to get in and see if there were phones or anything of value inside. I also heard from a friend that some cars in Kilworth were checked.” 


While Gardaí have issued this statement in regard to property being stolen from cars, thefts of the vehicles themselves have also been noted across Cork city.

Mayfield resident Mary Cate Smith woke up Thursday morning to find that her car, which she had only purchased a week previous, was not where she had left it the night before.

“The car was stolen Wednesday night, and I only realised the next morning when I was coming outside to head to work. It had been parked it in its usual spot, straight across the road from my house on Old Youghal Road. There was glass shattered where it was parked but the car wasn’t there.” 

Upon the realisation that her car was missing, Ms Smith contacted Mayfield Garda Station.

Mary Cate Smith’s car after being stolen from outside her Mayfield home.

One of the Gardaí had received a call that a car similar to that of the Mayfield residents was found burnt out nearby in the early hours of the morning.

“I went down to see the car. Up until then, it hadn’t really sunk in yet, but when I saw the car burnt out, it looked to me like a bomb site. My car was in ashes and rubble. It may not have been brand new, but it was brand new to me.” 

A number of personal items such as a laptop, clothing and jewellery were unrecoverable due to the fire.

Gardaí said that instances of joyriding have been seen circulating on the mobile video app TikTok.

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