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Put down the coffee — there’s a smarter stimulant in town, with many of the same benefits, and none of the downsides



Put down the coffee — there’s a smarter stimulant in town, with many of the same benefits, and none of the downsides

Paraxanthine is a caffeine metabolite that promises a stable, sustained boost in mental clarity without the roller-coaster of highs and lows that caffeine can bring

Paraxanthine offers a more steady and balanced energy-boosting effect than caffeine. Photo: Getty

There was a time, not that long ago, when Ireland’s go-to beverage was tea. Those days, however, are long gone. The Irish, it seems, crave something a bit cooler, edgier, and, dare I say, sexier.

Enter coffee, with its arresting aroma and formidable flavour. In recent years, coffee consumption has exploded in popularity, capturing the hearts and minds (quite literally) of a nation long synonymous with tea-drinking traditions. But, as many have wryly suggested, traditions are made to be broken.

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