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Luxury tourism could drive Asia-Pacific travel industry recovery – Thai PBS World



Luxury tourism could drive Asia-Pacific travel industry recovery – Thai PBS World

Luxury tourism could well become a significant engine driving the growth of the tourism industry recovery in Asia-Pacific, as 68% of affluent travelers across the region say they will be spending more on leisure travel in the next 12 months.

Of these, 74% plan an intra-regional holiday within Asia Pacific (APAC), according to a recent report, which notes that one in four holidays planned (25%) is for some form of celebration.

This trend suggests a thriving intra-regional tourism market within APAC, states the recently released report from the Luxury Group by Marriott International.

The report shows a strong appetite for travel. High-net-worth (HNW) Indians lead the driving force in this niche market, with 89% of them planning to spend more in the next 12 months.

In terms of destination, Australia tops the survey as the most popular place to spend holidays.

Luxury travel in the Asia-Pacific (APAC) is fueled by a growing desire among wealthy travelers for longer, more immersive experiences, according to the report, which highlights a surge in spending and a shift in travel preferences.

The survey covers HNW individuals from Australia, India, Indonesia, Japan, Singapore, and South Korea.

Interestingly, the majority (74%) of these travelers plan to stay within the APAC region, indicating a preference for exploring closer to home.

Australia emerges as the top destination of choice (46%), followed by Japan (42%) and Hong Kong (27%). Thailand is included in the top 10 destinations planned by the participating travelers, except for Japan, where it is absent from the top 10.

Thailand has just made a strategic shift to draw more luxury travelers to the kingdom with the latest campaign highlighting high-end travel experiences.

The effort may have some impact on the number of tourists, which reached 12 million during the first 4 months of this year.

The country aims to see 40 million visitors this year. For these discerning travelers, culinary experiences are a major draw.

A remarkable 88% prioritize gastronomy when choosing a holiday destination. Fine dining is a particular highlight, with nearly half (49%) seeking it out for an ideal evening.

This trend is further emphasized by the fact that 83% would choose a destination specifically to visit a celebrated restaurant, and 35% are willing to spend more on unique culinary experiences.

The report also identifies three distinct profiles of luxury travelers.

The first are dubbed “Venture Travelists” who seek to blend business and leisure, exploring destinations for potential business opportunities while enjoying family time.

The “Experience Connoisseur”, meanwhile, values personalized experiences and actively seeks unique adventures – unsurprisingly millennials dominate this group.

Then there is the “Timeless Adventurer” group, who shatter stereotypes of the “silver set” traveler.

This senior group consists of adventurous explorers who crave authentic experiences and aim to immerse themselves in the local culture.

HNW travelers are also found to be mindful of the impact their travel has on the environment.

Eighty percent say a hotel’s sustainability and environmental practices are considerations when deciding where to stay.

Forty percent of them want to see the hotel design integrated with the local environment.

The eco-conscious traveler is also mindful of limiting food waste and supporting the local community.

Almost half of them want to see hotel restaurants offering locally sourced food products.

By Thai PBS World Feature Desk

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