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‘Cheeky’ motorist fined over footpath parking outside Kilkenny store



‘Cheeky’ motorist fined over footpath parking outside Kilkenny store

Park-ing mad | 

A fixed charge penalty notice has been issued

A motorist in Kilkenny was fined after parking on the footpath outside a business called Cheeky Pup last Thursday.

Gardaí found the five-door, dark-coloured vehicle blocking the way for pedestrians and customers outside the boutique dog grooming store.

A garda spokesperson said: “We received a call to this car ‘parked’ poorly in Kilkenny.

“FCPN (fixed penalty charge notice) issued,” they added.

A total of 56 days is permitted by law for the payment of a fixed penalty charge.

The initial period of 28 days from the date of the notice allows for payment at the fixed charge amount.

A further period of 28 days is permitted to accept payment at the fixed charge amount plus 50pc of the fixed charge amount.

After 56 days, payment “cannot be accepted under any circumstances,” gardaí state.

“Aw I didn’t know it was possible to park there! How did they get back out hard enough to get out of Bateman’s Quay when you’re turning right and you on the road!” said one social media user.

“The cheeky pup,” said another.

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