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Family infected with brain worms after eating undercooked bear meat



Family infected with brain worms after eating undercooked bear meat

The family was infected by the brain worm trichinellosis after eating bear meat. Photo: Getty

Six people became infected with a parasite known as “brain worms” after eating undercooked black bear meat, or food contaminated by the meat, at a family reunion in 2022. In May 2022 a group of nine family members met in South Dakota and shared kebabs made from the meat of a black bear and vegetables. Earlier that month, one of the family members harvested the meat in northern Saskatchewan, Canada.

At the advice of a hunting outfitter, the family member froze the meat in a household freezer for 45 days to kill parasites. The family then thawed the meat and grilled it with the vegetables, according to the Centre for Disease Control (CDC).

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