After a number of weeks of price cuts across the board for beef cattle, this week’s factory quotes sees prices holding more steady.

Despite this, some of the stronger-paying outlets have reduced their price quote for heifers and steers by 5c/kg, but most other processors have held their price offering at the same level as last week.

Supplies of finished cattle have shown signs of tightening over the past few weeks and supplies have been forecast to tighten further over the coming number of weeks.

Factory quotes: Heifers and steers

Heifers are being quoted at €5.05-5.10/kg on the grid, with up to €5.20/kg on the grid available at the higher end of the price scale for suitable heifers with a carcass weight ranging from 300-400kg.

Steers (bullocks) are being quoted at €5.00-5.05/kg on the grid, with up to €5.15/kg on the grid available for suitable steers with a carcass weight between 300-400kg.

Many of the outlets that are quoting €5.00 and €5.05/kg on the grid for steers and heifers respectively are admitting 5c/kg more is available for quality lots of cattle.

Cow price

Cow price is remaining steady again this week, with a slight increase seen in the average price paid for R grade cows in the week ending Sunday, May 19, despite the average price paid for O grade cows falling.

In the week ending Sunday, May 19, the average price paid for R=3= grade cows was €4.98/kg.

The table below shows the variation in prices paid for O=3= grade cows in the week ending Sunday, May 19:

This week, factories are quoting €4.90-€5.00/kg for U grade cows. R grade cows are being quoted at prices ranging from €4.70-4.80/kg. O grade cows are being quoted at €4.30/kg in general with P grade cows being quoted at €4.20/kg.


Under-24-month bulls are being quoted at prices ranging from €5.25-5.35/kg for U grade bulls with €5.15-5.25/kg being quoted for R grade bulls.

O grade bulls are being quoted at €4.95-5.05/kg with P grade bulls being quoted at €4.85-4.95/kg.

Under-16-month bulls are being quoted at €5.00-5.05/kg on the grid.

There remains some level of variation in the prices available for finished cattle between factories with some processors more keen than others for certain types of stock.