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Pigeons being conspicuously indifferent to an England v Ireland Test match



Pigeons being conspicuously indifferent to an England v Ireland Test match

2 minute read

If you’ve got a picture of an animal being conspicuously indifferent to cricket, please send it to

Last summer, Doctor Alexander Snoddie, one of the Doctors of Leamington, initiated correspondence with regular King Cricket contributor Ged Ladd…

Snoddie: Delighted to bump into you in the jacks… and [Daisy] too, patiently waiting outside the jacks…

… I suppose this is too poor to be sent to King Cricket for the ‘Animals totally disregarding cricket’ section [sic]: two pigeons eating the seeds sown by Karl McDermott [Lord’s Head Groundsman] whilst the substitute [Dan Lawrence] guards the covers, with Ireland in full flow on Day 3…

…you may need a bit of zoom…

Ged: We have the technology, but can you send me a better-quality copy of that image? The version you sent me is about one pixel per pigeon. Also, can you supply a few more words to support your (self-admittedly poor) visuals? Was the indifference simply about eating rather than observing cricket, or were the pigeons “giving cricket the bird” even when not eating?

Snoddie: I think I have been too clever by a quarter… don’t understand tech… nor pigeon behaviour… I’m not Doctor Doolittle… best pass on to cricket square pastures new.

Ged: Understood, but, undeterred. I have sent your picture to deep learning image generating tool DALL-E, instructing it thus: “The two pigeons to the left and right of the nearest person should be larger, more prominent and be looking away from all the people”.

Here is the result.

Snoddie: Hold the front page, King Cricket, we’ve got a scoop for you!

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