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Local Elections 2024 Kerry: Poll-topping Maura Healy-Rae issues 3,385 Thank yous and more for those that believed in her



Local Elections 2024 Kerry: Poll-topping Maura Healy-Rae issues 3,385 Thank yous and more for those that believed in her

Cllr Maura Healy-Rae (Independent) tops the poll in the Killarney Electoral Area.

It was an incredible performance from the Healy-Raes across the county, particularly by Maura Healy-Rae who again topped the poll in the Killarney Electoral Area and in fact increased her total by almost 300 votes. This was no mean feat given the increase in candidates this time around.

In keeping with the Healy-Rae machine, this huge vote is down to hard work and the team that supports the Healy-Raes. There are votes in the area that date back to Maura’s grandfather Jackie and Maura says there is “something special about going down the same roads and going to the same houses as he did..

“We do work incredibly hard. We are 24/7, the phone does not shut off. We have clinics monthly and weekly in Scott’s. We don’t miss it… we make ourselves available,” she told The Kerryman after her election on Saturday, marking her eight years at the table having been co-opted originally to her father Danny’s seat.

“It is also down to the team we have. I could face for any part of my Municipal District and I would have one or two or three people with me to canvas or show me to a house I want to call to and I don’t know if any political party has that. There are people who have been with me who were Jackie Healy-Rae starting in 1973 and they haven’t left us because they believe in us.

“I expected, given 17 candidates, that realistically I’d be down a few hundred votes, or in a more fanciful side that I would hold my vote which would be exceptional going, but this is a vote of confidence in me.”

Maura thanked all who voted for her.

“A thousand thanks yous, or 3,385 thank yous. Thank you all and, of course, thank you to those who gave me a preference too, I appreciate that too.”

“I am incredibly humbled but it is a huge responsibility now. Anyone giving me vote expects me to be there when they need my help. I will enjoy today but it back to normality tomorrow.

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