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Kate Middleton’s balcony appearance not on cards: ‘far-fetched idea’, Palace sources



Kate Middleton’s balcony appearance not on cards: ‘far-fetched idea’, Palace sources

The mother-of-three stepped back from public life earlier this year after cancer diagnosis

Letter to the Irish Guards should not be over-analysed

Kate Middleton is not expected to make a balcony appearance, according to inside sources.

Fans of Princess Kate have been warned against “pushing for her return” as she is scheduled for a “light schedule over the summer.”

Last week, the Princess of Wales expressed her hope to resume her public role representing the Irish Guards “very soon.”

Kate, 42, has not yet confirmed if she will make an appearance at this weekend’s Trooping the Colour.

The mother of three stepped back from public life earlier this year after starting a course of preventative chemotherapy. Palace sources have dismissed requests to clarify whether Kate’s letter indicated an upcoming return to public life.

One Palace source close to the princess said the situation remains the same, that she is out of the public eye receiving treatment, needs her privacy and an update will be given “when there is one”.

Another source claimed the letter to the Irish Guards should not be over-analysed.

They told The Daily Beast: “I think to pick through the wording of her letter looking for clues to her intentions is a mistake.

“I am sure she does hope to be able to represent the Irish Guards again ‘very soon’ in an uncomplicated, normal understanding of that sentiment.

“The thing about William and Kate is that they honestly do a lot of this stuff themselves. It’s not like the old days of Queen Elizabeth II where the men in grey wrote something and the Queen just signed it without any input.

“This was very clearly demonstrated with the photoshopped Mother’s Day image. For good or ill, they write the letters and take the pictures and tell their staff, ‘send it out’.

“Some people found it preposterous to be asked to believe that Catherine was sitting at the kitchen table with her laptop editing a picture William took. But I can tell you, anyone who has worked for that couple would know that is exactly what happened.

“My understanding is that there is no timeframe for Catherine returning to public duties. I actually don’t think her note implies she is going to be charging down to their headquarters to inspect a parade next month.

“I honestly think it’s just a classic case of the Waleses not feeling they need to ask for advice when it comes to sending a simple letter.”

Another friend of the family told the publication: “I think this idea that Kate is suddenly going to pop up on the balcony on Saturday is far-fetched. It would be wonderful, of course, but more than slightly bizarre given that she bowed out of the Colonel’s review.”

They added: “The royals typically have a light schedule over the summer months, so it would seem odd to make a big push for her to return now.”

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