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Ask the doctor: I take a lot of daily supplements. Should I reduce it to an all-in-one tablet?



Ask the doctor: I take a lot of daily supplements. Should I reduce it to an all-in-one tablet?

GP Jennifer Grant answers your medical queries

For most people, consuming a nutritious diet is more important than supplementation. Photo: Getty

Question: I like taking supplements and currently have about 9-10 containers on my kitchen counter (vitamin C, vitamin D, iron tablets, selenium, tablets for bones etc) — I quite like my routine of taking them every day but it is a bit of a faff. I wonder would any of the fancy subscription, personalised vitamin subscriptions which do a survey then come up with an ‘all-in-one’ vitamin be better? It would be less packaging but I wonder if they are less effective?

​Dr Grant replies: In short, these expensive heavily marketed online multivitamin subscriptions have limited (if any) clinical data supporting their ‘superior’ efficacy, so I recommend you keep your money in your bank account.

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