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Fórsa welcomes President’s comments over library protests



Fórsa welcomes President’s comments over library protests

The trade union representing library staff has welcomed comments made by the President Michael D Higgins over protests at public libraries.

Fórsa said protecting libraries and staff should be “regarded as a priority”.

Speaking at a Bloomsday event yesterday, President Higgins voiced concern over the protests, which took place at a number of libraries across the country last summer.

President Higgins said: “Books being torn up by those who hide behind the mask of protester, they must be called what they are, vigilantes, attempting to impose a censorship based on ignorance and exclusion.

“Those people who suggest that exclusion is in any sense anything other than a travesty, of what humanity is, that is why it must be confronted, for the shameful, not condoned by ignorance, but the ugliness that is there in it all.”

“Protecting libraries and library staff from intimidation and protest by ignorant vigilante groups and ensuring that they do not fall foul to any censorship, I know that most of us will support,” he added.

The President described libraries as “the oxygen of public life” and said books offer information and “stimulate people to pursue more knowledge and form new independent ideas”.

Fórsa welcomed “the support and solidarity expressed by the President” over the issue.

The union also emphasised the importance of libraries “as sanctuaries of safety and inclusivity”.

In a statement, Fórsa said: “The union absolutely endorses the President’s view that the protection of public libraries and their staff from attacks by the far-right should be regarded as a priority for everyone in a civilised society.”

The union added the protection of staff is “the primary responsibility of local authority management” and it will continue to work with management to ensure the safety of staff.

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