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Crazed thug moved to high security jail after attacking Mountjoy staff with shiv



Crazed thug moved to high security jail after attacking Mountjoy staff with shiv

A THUG who attacked two prison staff while armed with a shiv this week has been moved to the State’s maximum security jail.

Jonathan Donovan was shifted from Dublin’s Mountjoy on Thursday to the A-block in Portlaoise Prison, which specifically houses violent lags.

Jonathan Donovan brandished a shiv as he attacked staff in Dublin’s Mountjoy Prison
The thug targeted the two staff members on the B base of the jail in a terrifying incidentCredit: PA:Press Association

Sources say that Donovan — who left the brother of gangland hitman Barry Doyle wheelchair-bound in an axe attack in 2014 — may now be considered for ­barrier handling when staff are dealing with him.

This sees inmates moved by prison officers in full riot gear with shields due to the high level of threat.

A source said: “Following the attack, a decision was made to place him in more secure surroundings.

“He was moved this week to the A-block in Portlaoise. It houses violent prisoners and is very high security.”

Two prison staff were ­targeted by crazed Donovan on the B-base of Mountjoy on Tuesday.

He produced a shiv from his trousers and attacked them both but did not make contact with the sharp weapon.

He punched one of them a number of times before other wardens intervened. The control and restraint team were quickly deployed.

Donovan is an extremely volatile criminal with a ­propensity for violence.


He’s currently serving four years for a ­savage slashing which left his victim left with a 15cm facial wound.

The attack took place on Gardiner Street in Dublin city centre on February 13, 2022.

Donovan pleaded guilty to assault causing harm at Dublin Circuit Criminal Court last year.

His victim also suffered cuts to his chest resulting in internal bleeding which nearly caused his death.

In 2014, Donovan left Paul Doyle wheelchair-bound after striking him twice in the head with an axe.

He served a part-suspended six-year sentence for the attack on the bro of Barry Doyle, who is serving life for killing innocent Shane Geoghegan in a case of mistaken ­identity in Limerick in 2008

Nut Donovan has a rap sheet of over 90 convictions.

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