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EU Commissioner nominee to be approved by Cabinet



EU Commissioner nominee to be approved by Cabinet

It is expected that the Government’s nominee for the next EU Commissioner post will be discussed by the three coalition leaders tomorrow and approved by Cabinet on Tuesday.

There is strong speculation within senior levels of Government that the Finance Minister Michael McGrath will be nominated for the position.

Under the coalition arrangement, it is the turn of Fianna Fáil to put forward a name for the senior EU post.

Tánaiste Mícheál Martin has not yet confirmed what his decision will be.

Following the recent European election, negotiations are under way, involving member states, around many key EU jobs.

It is understood that there is a desire in Government to have a decision made on Ireland’s nominee ahead of a European Council meeting later this week.

Fine Gael’s Mairead McGuinness is Ireland’s current commissioner, holding the portfolio of Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union.

She took on the role after the resignation of Phil Hogan as EU Trade Commissioner in the aftermath of the golfgate controversy.

If Mr McGrath is nominated on Tuesday, as expected, it could take a number of weeks or months before he formally begins the job because the next Commission president must first be confirmed.

A replacement for Mr McGrath as Minister for Finance will have to be appointed.

Some names being speculated as a potential replacement include Minister for Housing Darragh O’Brien, Minister for Education Norma Foley and Minister of State Dara Calleary.

Following the appointment of Minister of State Jack Chambers as Fianna Fáil Deputy Leader this week, there is speculation too within Government that he may be in the running for a senior ministry.

Read: EU Commissioner appointment set to reshape coalition

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