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Two British Airways crew suspended after ‘mocking 15st colleague over weight’



Two British Airways crew suspended after ‘mocking 15st colleague over weight’

British Airways insists it takes “a zero-tolerance approach to bullying” after it emerged hurtful comments were posted in a staff WhatsApp group to which the alleged target does not belong

British Airways is thought to be investigating the allegations (file image)(Getty Images)

Two British Airways cabin crew have been suspended for allegedly bullying a stewardess about her weight.

A concerned colleague noticed the vile slurs about their 15st friend in a staff WhatsApp group, to which she does not belong. The colleague then showed the alleged target, it is thought.

The woman in her early 20s was said to be scared to go to work after reading the jibes. She was encouraged to report the behaviour to bosses at British Airways, after which two colleagues who allegedly mocked her were pulled off the firm’s rota.

An investigation is underway, BA confirmed. The employees could be dismissed if found guilty of misconduct, it is believed. It is also reported some flights went ahead with one fewer crew on board — with passengers having no idea why the service was stretched.

A source told The Sun on Sunday: “The poor victim of the merciless fat jokes has been left utterly bereft. She had no idea her colleagues had such disdain for her. The cruel comments left her scared to leave the house. She felt victimised. This was repugnant bullying.”

Cabin crew must be a certain height and weight so they can reach the overhead lockers and fit in seats. The source said the woman, who lives in Wiltshire, knew she had to lose weight and had joined a gym and hired a personal trainer to slim down.

A spokesman for British Airways said: “We have a zero-tolerance approach to bullying and always fully investigate any allegations brought to our attention.” The Mirror has approached the airline, which has more than 30,000 employees, for further comment.

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