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‘Wholly unsuitable’ outdoor dining area removed following shock closure of Wexford pub



‘Wholly unsuitable’ outdoor dining area removed following shock closure of Wexford pub

The dismantling of the extension outside the Thomas Moore Tavern. Pic: Jim Campbell

The extension outside the Thomas Moore Tavern been removed. Pic: Jim Campbell

thumbnail: The dismantling of the extension outside the Thomas Moore Tavern. Pic: Jim Campbell
thumbnail: The extension outside the Thomas Moore Tavern been removed. Pic: Jim Campbell

While the people of Wexford were saddened to learn of the closure of the Thomas Moore Tavern, few tears were shed for the controversial outdoor dining area erected outside the landmark pub and restaurant as it was dismantled this week.

Having been erected back in 2022, the addition was met with bitter criticism online. It was famously branded a “monstrosity” amid allegations that it was ill-fitting with the historic surrounding areas, while many felt it was a downright danger, impacting sightlines on the roundabout at Wexford Arts Centre.

Back in February it was confirmed to councillors that the licence for the infamous outdoor dining area was to expire on June 21. Five days before the deadline, owners Breda and Tony Wright announced that the business was closing down entirely.

The temporary extensions was quickly fenced off as work began on dismantling it.

One of the structure’s critics, Labour councillor George Lawlor said that while he was sad to see the Thomas Moore close its doors, he was glad the outdoor dining area would be confined to memory.

“Obviously I’m really sorry to see the business closing, not just for the owners, but for the hard-working staff, many of whom were long-serving,” he said.

“Having said that I’d welcome the dismantling of the outdoor dining area there. It was erected at a time when things were a bit crazy during Covid. I feel it really overstepped the mark and went against the thrust of what was being provided for in terms of outdoor dining.

“It was a large investment, but it was wholly unsuitable for where it was. It left a sour taste for many and certainly the goodwill wasn’t as it should have been after it was erected.

“It certainly overstepped the mark and created a lot of hostility,” Cllr Lawlor concluded. “I’m glad it’s been removed, but I am sorry to see the business go. I hope to see the Thomas Moore back trading again in some guise soon.”

Sinn Féin councillor Tom Forde agreed.

“It’s difficult to see such a long-standing Wexford business closing its doors,” he said. “Particularly one which has such a strong history and is part of the fabric of Wexford.

“Having said that, I’m glad this structure is being taken down. I’ve had a lot of contact from members of the public since it was erected. They were extremely unhappy and felt it was unsafe and dangerous. I’d be inclined to agree. I don’t think it should ever have been erected there.

“I hope in the future that outdoor dining areas and structures like this are subject to a rigorous planning process and that we don’t see something like this happen again.”

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