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Just six of the 157 Gardaí that have been sworn into the force today will be stationed in the North West



Just six of the 157 Gardaí that have been sworn into the force today will be stationed in the North West

Just six of the 157 Gardaí that have been sworn into the force today will be stationed in the North West

157 new Gardaí have been today sworn in the force at the Garda College in Templemore.

102 of them will be assigned to the Dublin region, with 38 to the Eastern region of the country.

The Southern region of Ireland will welcome 11 new Gardaí.

That leaves just 6 new Gardaí to be placed in Garda Stations in the North West.

This brings the total number of sworn Gardaí in the force today to 14,100, with just over 3,500 Garda staff and 329 Garda Reserves.

The male/ female split from today’s new Gardaí show that there are roughly two new male Gardaí for every new female Garda (102 male, 55 female).

17 of the new Gardaí were born outside of the state, in countries that include the United States, Pakistan, Great Britain, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Brazil and Romania.

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