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‘A serious blow for the area’: Dulux Paints Cork city facility to close



‘A serious blow for the area’: Dulux Paints Cork city facility to close

DULUX Paints Ireland is to close its paint manufacturing business on the Commons Rd in Cork, in a move that has been described locally as a “serious blow” for the area.

In a statement on its website, Dulux’s parent company, AkzoNobel, said:

“AkzoNobel has announced the intention to close the manufacturing sites of Groot-Ammers (The Netherlands), Cork (Ireland) and Lusaka (Zambia) and transfer the production to other locations in the region.

“This intention is the first part of a multi-year industrial efficiency plan to be fully finalised by the end of 2026.

“The intended site closures align with AkzoNobel’s strategic priorities and its commitment to industrial excellence.

“By focusing on units with scale and higher cost efficiencies, AkzoNobel aims to rationalise, upgrade and optimise its industrial network to improve competitiveness and drive sustainable growth.

“The related social partners have been informed about the intended closures and next steps.

“Finalisation will follow after the usual consultation process with employees and local social partners.” 

The Irish Examiner reports that the Dulux business on the Commons Rd will close by the end of this year with the loss of 45 jobs.


Speaking to The Echo, Independent councillor Ken O’Flynn described the news as a “serious blow” for the area.

Mr O’Flynn said his thoughts were with the employees, many of whom he said have “dedicated their lives to Dulux”.

The city councillor, who is running under the banner of Independent Ireland in the upcoming local elections, said he hoped another business or entrepreneur would see “potential” in the Dulux site.

“I believe it’s ripe for redeveloping for the industrial area that the Old Mallow Rd and the Commons Rd has become.”

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