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A woman kept getting drunk despite not drinking. Fungi in her gut were brewing their own alcohol.



A woman kept getting drunk despite not drinking. Fungi in her gut were brewing their own alcohol.

A woman kept ending up in the emergency room with excessive sleepiness, slurred speech and the scent of alcohol on her breath, but she had not ingested a drop of liquor. It turns out that microbes in her gut were brewing their own booze — and making her drunk.

Doctors eventually diagnosed her with a rare condition called auto-brewery syndrome. But before that, the 50-year-old had been referred to emergency departments seven times over the course of two years. Each time, her symptoms were similar and made her seem drunk. Her sleepiness, in particular, was troubling, as she’d suddenly fall asleep while getting ready for work or preparing meals. This drowsiness would keep her out of work for weeks and suppress her appetite.

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