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Advice desk: How one driver saved big by checking the small print



Advice desk: How one driver saved big by checking the small print

Make sure you’re familiar with the small print on your car insurance policy. Stock image. Photo: Getty

Don’t be afraid to leave your current car insurance company. Shop around. Read the small print. Compare like with like. Take time to assess.

Yes, they are all good pieces of advice when looking for the best insurance quote for your car.

But how often do we bother to take the advice? How often do we go for the cheapest and not look at the finer details?

One close friend recently told how he nearly lost out because the ­insurer deemed his policy did not cover €1,800 worth of repairs.

The company insisted that his no-claims-bonus protection only applied to him and his wife and not to the other named drivers on the policy. He relentlessly persisted with his side of the story.

Finally, after much toing and froing – and a threat to contact his lawyer – the insurer relented.

So here’s a little bit more advice: if you don’t read the small print initially, read it if something happens.

Things might not be as black and white as the insurer would have you believe.

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