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Aries Weekly Horoscope



Aries Weekly Horoscope

WEEK OF July 8 – 14, 2024

If you feel tired and wired at the same time early this week, there’s a cosmic reason behind it. The Sun is on a lowkey trek through slow-jamming Cancer and your sensitive fourth house and this Wednesday, July 10, it teams up with deliberate Saturn in Pisces and your restful twelfth. Part of you is eager to get rolling on a project around the house or with your personal brand. Another side of you would be happy to let all such initiatives follow their own natural course.

One way to break this logjam is to dive beneath the surface and get a handle on your own deeper motivation. Are you being cagey about what you really want? Sometimes it’s hard to peel back layers on our own psyches. So try this: Instead of taking decisive action, play the role of observer. When your mind starts to wander, tune in to what you’re doing and especially what you’re thinking. Remind yourself that this is not the last—or only—such opportunity you’ll get. The trick at this point might be shifting out of a scarcity mindset and into one of abundance.

Early Thursday brings a soulful sync-up of whimsical Venus and imaginative Neptune in your most chill outposts. Don’t be too ambitious with your morning plans: You’ll be happiest huddling with your work wife or a creative partner to develop a budding idea. If you have time off, keep your agenda loose. Have breakfast at a sweet outdoor café or do some window shopping. It doesn’t matter what you get[LS1]  up to; as long as you feel relaxed and you both relish comfortable silence, you can’t go wrong.

Also on Thursday, stylista Venus commences her annual catwalk through confident Leo and your flirtatious fifth house until August 4. You may feel lucky in love for a very good reason: These are a highly auspicious few weeks! So what’s the goal here, Ram? Are you looking for a summer fling, a casual companion—or are you holding out for someone with long-term potential? And if you’re attached, what are some next steps that would make your heart skip a beat?

Whatever it is, remember that underlying all of these options is the necessity of self-love. Practice doing things that make YOU happy, whether that’s making art, being physically active or interacting with the kids in your life. Speaking of THAT, this is a fertile cycle, so if you have babies on the brain, get serious about trying to make that happen!

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