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Cagliari, they pretend to be deaf and dumb at the shopping center and collect 1200 euros for charity – L’Unione Sarda English



Cagliari, they pretend to be deaf and dumb at the shopping center and collect 1200 euros for charity – L’Unione Sarda English

Scam in competition with each other.

Four foreign citizens, two men and two women aged between 19 and 24, originally from Romania and reported by the Flying Squad, must answer for this.

Two of them pretended to be deaf and dumb and with this pretext asked for money from customers of the “I Fenicotteri” shopping center in Cagliari.

After the report, the police intervened and, recalling a similar episode that occurred in Piazza Yenne, identified a car with a Romanian license plate in the parking area and identified the occupants. Inside was an envelope containing fake fundraising forms plus a crumpled one showing signatures, postal codes, cities and donations from unsuspecting citizens for a total of 270 euros. Furthermore, a payment receipt for an amount of 450 euros made by one of the people arrested in favor of the father was also found.

The personal search led to the discovery of another 347 euros, and a further 560 euros in the searches of some campers. Overall, the sum of approximately 1,200 euros was found and seized.


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