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Convicted sex offender deported from Ireland



Convicted sex offender deported from Ireland

A convicted sex offender was deported from Ireland to Democratic Republic of Congo yesterday by gardaí.

Gardaí said that Chico Makamda was serving a custodial sentence in the Midlands Prison for “failing to notify a change in details, in contravention of the Sex Offenders Act 2001”.

Makamda has 19 previous convictions in the State for sexual offences, false imprisonment and theft.

In a statement, gardaí said: “Given Chico Makamda’s criminal background, this deportation was a priority operation for GNIB (Garda National Immigration Bureau).”

The statement added that the deportation “comes after a significant amount of engagement between officials from Democratic Republic of Congo and GNIB, which facilitated obtaining travel documents, visas and the coordination of escort arrangements”.

Head of GNIB, Detective Chief Superintendent Aidan Minnock, said: “The deportation of Chico Makamda is the culmination of a number of weeks of work by GNIB officers, who have been working closely with the Department of Justice and officials from Democratic Republic of Congo to ensure this deportation worked seamlessly from Ireland to Doha, and then on to Democratic Republic of Congo.

“This is an example of how the Irish rules-based immigration system works to ensure high-risk persons are prioritised, and effective action taken to ensure the people of Ireland are kept safe from recidivist offenders,” added Det Chief Supt Minnock.

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