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Dangerous driver convicted after dash-cam footage played in court |



Dangerous driver convicted after dash-cam footage played in court |

A man who was charged with dangerous driving has been convicted in the District Court after dash-cam evidence submitted by a concerned citizen who witnessed the incident was shown in court.

Sergeant Majella O’Sullivan told Midleton District Court that on November 11th, 2023, the witness was driving along Fota Road, Fota Island, Cork at 4.25pm when they were aggressively tailgated by another driver.

The witness said the driver, later identified as Tihamir Buinjac (50), of West Beach, Cobh, Co Cork, then overtook them on a solid white line and almost collided with an oncoming vehicle.

The witness had front and rear dash cam footage of the incident, and subsequently made a complaint to gardaí.

Buinjac was identified from the footage and pleaded guilty when charged with dangerous driving.

Defence solicitor Aiden Desmond said Buinjac was a former professional driver who was originally from Croatia. He said his client was fully cooperative with gardaí, had admitted the offence at the first opportunity, and was very apologetic.

He added that Buinjac made a poor decision on the day and did not realise he had crossed a solid white line.

Judge Colm Roberts said: “This is clearly a case of dangerous driving. The fact that he was a professional driver makes it even worse. He is 50-years-old, he has plenty of experience, he is not some young fella.

“He knows the rules, and he knows crossing a solid line is not allowed. The lack of a proper explanation for his behaviour does cause me some concern.”

Buinjac was disqualified from driving for two years and fined €350 which he has three months to pay.

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