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Data Bank stuck at Level 14? Full Wuthering Waves Data Bank Leveling Guide



Data Bank stuck at Level 14? Full Wuthering Waves Data Bank Leveling Guide

Here’s how to get your Wuthering Waves Data Bank unstuck and level it up faster for those higher rarity Echoes.

So you’re on a roll fighting and capturing Echoes and raising your Pokedex, er, Data Bank level in Wuthering Waves.

Then, bam, your Data Bank level just stops going up. Wassup wit dat?

Seriously, though, a stuck Data Bank in Wuthering Waves is not cool. 

For starters, it prevents you from increasing your drop rate for Echoes, including your enhanced drop rate for boss-type Echoes. A stuck Data Bank also prevents you from raising the rarity of the Echoes you collect, including the 4-star purple Echoes thats serve as your bread-and-butter artifacts or relics in the early game as well as the 5-star gold Echoes you need as you get into the end game.

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The good news is that this is not a bug. A stuck Data Bank is usually a sign that you need to progress a certain aspect of the game, like your Union Level, your SOL3 Phase level or even your Adventure Guidebook Milestone progress. (The latter is what typically stymies most players who get their Data Bank level stuck.)

Also, don’t panic about your Echo capture experience points not being counted when your Data Bank gets stuck. Your Echo experience points actually still get counted in the background and will be added once your Data Bank is unstuck. If it’s been stuck for a while, don’t be surprised to have your Data Bank jump up by several levels.

Now let’s go through everything that you need to know about Wuthering Waves’ Data Bank.

Why is it important to raise your Data Bank level in Wuthering Waves?

Think of your Data Bank in Wuthering Waves as a souped up Pokedex.

At a basic level your Data Bank level determines your capture or drop rate for Echoes as well as the rarity of the Echoes you can catch.

Here are some key Data Bank levels to keep in mind:

  • Data Bank Level 8: Allows you to catch 4-star (purple-level) Echoes
  • Data Bank Level 15: Allows you to catch 5-star (gold-level) Echoes

By the way, another reason you will want to raise your Data Bank level is because it raises your characters’ stamina by 10 points for each level. Stamina is what you use when running up cliff walls or dashing and evading during battle, so you’ll definitely want to get it up when you can.

What raises your Data Bank level in Wuthering Waves?

There are several ways to raise your data bank level in Wuthering Waves. Here are the main ways to acquire points for leveling up your Data Bank.

Capturing Echoes: This is your main method of acquiring experience points to level up your Data Bank in Wuthering Waves. The first time you capture a certain type of Echo, you will gain experience points that go toward your Data Bank level. The experience you gain depends on the level of the Echo that you capture. Here is how much experience you get based on the Rarity of the Echo:

  • Green Rarity 2-star Echo: 10 EXP points
  • Blue Rarity 3-star Echo: 10 EXP points
  • Purple Rarity 4-star Echo: 15 points
  • Gold Rarity 5-star Echo: 20 points

Note that if you capture or redeem a higher rarity Echo before getting its lower rarity version, you will be given experience points for all its lower rank versions as well. When you redeem a 5-star Echo from Wuthering Waves pre-registration event, for example, you will end up getting 55 points total instead of just 20 points.

Merging Echoes: Capturing Echoes from the field isn’t your only option for getting new Echoes. One of the option tabs in your Data Bank menu allows you to merge multiple extra Echoes into one new Echo (or two new Echoes if you get lucky with RNG and get the bonus). If you get a new Echo, it will be treated the same as capturing a new Echo in the field, granting you the same EXP.

Leveling up your Milestone Stage from the Guidebook: Opening up your activities tab will reveal a bunch of activities you can do for rewards. One of those is the Milestones tab, which requires you to do various activities such as leveling up a specific number of Resonators, Echoes or weapons to a certain level. Doing so raises your Milestone Stage level, which grants several rewards. One of those rewards will be EXP points for your Data Bank. Here are examples of how much Data Bank EXP you can get with each Milestone stage level:

  • Milestone Stage 1: 30 Echo Data Bank EXP
  • Milestone Stage 2: 30 Echo Data Bank EXP
  • Milestone Stage 3: 30 Echo Data Bank EXP
  • Milestone Stage 4: 50 Echo Data Bank EXP
  • Milestone Stage 5: 60 Echo Data Bank EXP
  • Milestone Stage 6: 100 Echo Data Bank  EXP

How to get your Wuthering Waves Data Bank level unstuck?

If you’re capturing new Echoes but not setting the telltale progress gauge pop up indicating you’ve earned Data Bank EXP, then that means your Data Bank is stuck. To get it moving again, you need to fulfill certain requirements. 

Usually the first two choke points for your Data Bank would be at Level 8 and again at Level 15. To get it moving again, try raising your SOL3 Phase Level first. Data Bank Level 8, for example, requires you to be at SOL3 Phase 3, which in turn requires you to be at a certain Union Level.

Another thing you can do is to level up your guidebook Milestone stage as mentioned above.

Doing either of those should get your Data Bank level progress moving again, allowing you to be on your merry way with your Echo progress.

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