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‘Deliberate State vandalism’ of Grand Canal area – Bacik



‘Deliberate State vandalism’ of Grand Canal area – Bacik

The Labour Party leader has accused the Government of engaging in deliberate vandalism along the Grand Canal in Dublin.

Ivana Bacik told the Dáil that the area is “a changed landscape with the grim sight of large metal security barriers”, which are intimidating, and “deliberate State vandalism of what should be a beautiful public amenity”.

This is “visual evidence Government’s failure to provide a sufficient accommodation for those who’ve come here seeking shelter from war and persecution,” she said, and asked the Taoiseach when the barriers would be removed.

Simon Harris said that Ireland is “definitely not unique” as leaders across the European Union have flagged migration as the biggest policy challenge they face.

“There is a site that we’re currently working on in Dublin in terms of utilising State land and I expect that to come on stream in the next number of weeks,” he said.

“That is going to be a very important development. It will be safe tented accommodation with access to sanitation,” the Taoiseach added.

Last week, Waterways Ireland said the barriers could remain in place until October as it is trying to redesign the area to prevent tents from being pitched.

The body, which is responsible for the Grand Canal, said it acknowledged the fencing was “undesirable”.

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