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Derry firm’s £3.5m win to make uniforms for Dublin Fire Brigade ‘shows all-island economy potential’



Derry firm’s £3.5m win to make uniforms for Dublin Fire Brigade ‘shows all-island economy potential’

Economy Minister Conor Murphy, Hunter Apparel CEO Simon Hunter and Jeremy Fitch, Invest NI

A Londonderry company’s £3.5m contract to make uniforms for the Dublin Fire Brigade shows the potential of the all-Ireland economy, it’s been claimed.

Hunter Apparel Solutions in Londonderry won the four-year deal after spending £1m on new machinery which decontaminates personal protective equipment (PPE).

Economy Minister Conor Murphy praised the company’s commitment to technology and innovation on a visit to its premises at Springtown Industrial Estate.

He added: “This contract with the Dublin Fire Brigade highlights the opportunities that exist in the all-island economy. As a result of its investment and subsequent contract success, Hunter has created three new jobs in Derry.

“Its new decontamination service is also helping to safeguard the health of key workers as well as reducing wastage by maximising the lifespan of uniforms. All of this is in keeping with my vision of creating a regionally balanced and sustainable economy.”

The Minister said trading with the Republic could become a catalyst for businesses to grow into new export markets.

“My department and Invest NI will be working closely with businesses to ensure they understand the unique dual market access opportunities and the regulatory environment, so they are well placed to take advantage of our export growth potential.”

Hunter Apparel Solutions used Invest NI support to buy machinery which uses liquid carbon dioxide to remove contaminants and carcinogens from fire service clothing.

The third-generation company was founded in 1936 and now employs 53 staff in making uniforms for emergency and security services as well as transport staff. It also makes other specialist PPE and workwear.

Chief executive Simon Hunter said: “Hunter is the technology leader in the professional clothing sector.

“We were first to market with a specialised digital service, along with a platform for tracking and tracing personal protective equipment to ensure safety protocols are followed.

“We have also launched an artificial intelligence-based sizing tool and introduced robotics to our R&D centre and warehousing.”

Jeremy Fitch, executive director of business solutions at Invest NI, said: “Hunter continues to invest in its future, ensuring it maintains its competitive position as a technological leader in its field…

“Invest NI has worked with Hunter over many years providing both financial and advisory support and we will continue to be a trusted partner as it enters its next phase of growth.”

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