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Elections 2024: Longford County Council round-up



Elections 2024: Longford County Council round-up

Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael have each managed to win eight seats in Co Longford, with Independents claiming the remaining two seats of 18 in total.

Things were tense from the get go in Ballymahon.

Outgoing Cathaoirleach Paul Ross of Fine Gael topped the poll in the area and was the only candidate to exceed the quota and be deemed elected on the first count.

After that, there were two separate recounts – the first after count four when Independent Gerald Farrell was excluded, losing out to Seán Mimnagh of Fianna Fáil by just one vote.

The second was after count six, when Sinn Féin’s John Rooney had a similar issue, losing out to Colm Murray (Fine Gael) by just one vote.

No discrepancies were found in either recount and results were confirmed, allowing the count to proceed. Between those recounts, Mick Cahill (Fianna Fáil) was elected on count five.

One final result saw the elimination of Mr Murray and the election of Independent Mark Casey, Pat O’Toole and Sean Mimnagh of Fianna Fáil and Martin Skelly (Fine Gael).

See full results from Ballymahon Lea

Things moved quite fast in Granard LEA, with outgoing councillors Garry Murtagh (FG), Turlough ‘Pott’ McGovern (Independent) and Paraic Brady (FG) being elected on the first count.

No other candidates were elected until count seven, though, which saw the election of Pádraig McNamara (FG).

It also saw David Cassidy (FF) unexpectedly surge ahead of outgoing councillor Colin Dalton (FG), overtaking him by just four votes and nabbing that last seat that Fine Gael was so sure would be theirs.

That announcement, made close to 5am on Monday morning, resulted in Fine Gael requesting a full recount.

It was shortly after 9pm on Monday night that it was announced no discrepancies were found and Pádraig McNamara and David Cassidy were officially declared elected.

See full results from Granard LEA

In Longford, things ran far more smoothly over the course of two days.

Results of the first count saw outgoing councillors Gerry Hagan (FG), Martin Monaghan (FF), Seamus Butler (FF) and Peggy Nolan (FG) soar past the quota to keep their seats.

It was a bit like waiting for a bus after that – thirteen more counts with nobody elected, and then three elected all at once.

Those three were outgoing councillor Uruemu Adejinmi (FF) and newcomers Kevin Hussey (FF) and Niall Gannon (FG).

The only question now, with Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael each holding eight seats, is how will they negotiate the balance of power?

And which side will the two Independent councillors take?

See full results from Longford LEA

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