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Ex Late Late Show musical director says Gay Byrne ‘kept the wages down at RTE’



Ex Late Late Show musical director says Gay Byrne ‘kept the wages down at RTE’

Former Late Late Show musical director Frank McNamara has told how the late Gay Byrne “used to keep the wages down” at RTE – because he thought it was “immoral” for presenters to earn big money.

Mr McNamara – who worked with the late host for 20 years on the Friday night chat show – opened up about working with the star, who died in 2019 after a three year battle with prostate cancer at the age of 85.

And while he described Mr Byrne as “fantastic”, he said he also knew how to keep wages low.

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He told us: “As a human being, he was fantastic. If he had a problem with you, he would tell you. Straight up to your face and that would be the end of it.

“And if you had a problem with him , it didn’t matter that you were his boss, you’d say it to his face, you’d deal with it together and it is over.

“He never held a grudge. Ever. It was out in the open, it was dealt with. Done and dusted. He was fantastic. He kept the wages down for everybody because he thought it was immoral to earn too much money.”

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