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Ex-TV3 star Aisling O’Loughlin says far right’s great replacement theory is ‘real’



Ex-TV3 star Aisling O’Loughlin says far right’s great replacement theory is ‘real’

The former Xposé presenter turned prominent anti-vaxxer and conspiracy theorist shared the video on her Substack platform, where she engages in what she refers to as a “little bit of post-election analysis”.

The former Xposé presenter turned prominent anti-vaxxer and conspiracy theorist shared the video on her Substack platform, where she engages in what she refers to as a “little bit of post-election analysis”.

During the half-hour clip she states her belief that the recent Irish elections were subjected to the ‘great replacement theory’ which holds that some Western elites are conspiring to replace white Americans and Europeans with people of non-European descent, particularly Asians and Africans.

The theory is regularly espoused by white nationalists who chanted “You will not replace us” during a ‘Unite the Right; rally in Charlottesville, Virginia in 2017.

In spring 2019, the far right Belgian politician Dries Van Langenhove repeatedly posted on social media, “We are being replaced”.

Last year, far right broadcaster Tucker Carlson said the Irish Government was “trying to replace the population of Ireland with people from the Third World, obviously” in an interview with disgraced former Trump aide Steve Bannon.

Aisling O’Loughlin

In the video entitled, ‘Votes in return for what? The murky world of asylum seeker gerrymandering’, O’Loughlin has written: “The local elections in Ireland have exposed voter manipulation at a shocking level amongst illegal immigrants reliant on government hospitality. What deals were struck in return for favourable votes?”

She then begins by saying: “If the newspapers were doing their job, if the mainstream media, the TV stations, the radio stations, were doing their job, their top story would of course, it’s so obvious, be the bussing in of newcomers.

“They’re not even Irish citizens, most of them, they’ve just arrived, they’ve got no allegiance to this country and yet they were being bussed in to voting stations all over Ireland.”

She claims these people “had translators, they had help with voting, even though they wouldn’t have known any of the candidates, they wouldn’t have known what they stand for and yet they were voting in our local elections.

“So obviously something really weird and really dodgy has gone down but we know what we’re dealing with,” she adds.

“We’re dealing with a complicit media, we’re dealing with the rogue government, so we have to expect a certain amount of this.

She then refers to one account on X, “that really caught my attention”.

“It’s called Abolish Direct Provision Campaign and apparently it’s a voluntary organisation,” she says.

“And these guys are really going to a lot of trouble for a voluntary organisation. And I thought, ‘I wonder who’s paying them’.

“But then look at this,” she says reading a tweet, “from the 7th of June”. ‘Thank you team ADPI for transportation, helping us to vote correctly and understanding politics in Ireland. In my country women are not allowed to vote, today was touching for me’.

“I’m not sure who wrote that but have a look at this,” she adds over a picture of a list of candidates.

“We’ve got no markings here but over on the side, like they’re trolling us, it says ‘replacement lists’ so whoever took that made sure to keep that in the shot and then post it up on X for all to see.

“Just a very peculiar thing considering we are talking about the great replacement which is looking very, very real and is a reflection in these election results.

“We are being replaced by people with absolutely no links to our country apart from they want to get in on the freebies.”

She then shares another picture, “again from 7th of June” and quotes the tweet: ‘We took thousands of refugees in direct provision camps to polling station (sic) this morning to ensure they voted correctly. The government should give all of them the right to remain in Ireland’.

“Shocking stuff,” she adds. “We are badly, badly, missing our own mainstream, our own media that will become mainstream. We’re missing that very badly. We didn’t have Gript and I know Gemma O’Doherty in particular really did everything she could to undermine them, but if we didn’t have them who else would be sticking it up to the government?”

“We badly, badly need our own media, our own radio stations, our own TV stations,” O’Loughlin continues. “And I think a radio station and a newspaper would be a great start.

“I mean most people don’t know what’s going on, they don’t know about the excess deaths. You know, we’re dealing with an ignorant population. They don’t want to know, a lot of them have taken part in the deadly medical trial,” she adds, presumably referring to the vaccine programme.

“They don’t want to know with the bad news, they’re living quite comfortable lives, they don’t want it interrupted, why would they want it interrupted, so we’re going to have to think about things.

“I think if we offer just really good analysis and debate and better what the mainstream is offering, which is easy for us, because the conversation is better because we are dealing with very strong facts and figures.

“We actually have won the debate, we’ve won it time and time again. We see that on Twitter when they try to engage we just come up with the facts and figures and it’s easy to win which is why they have to censor us which is why they have to cheat.

“We’re not dealing with very good people, they’re not going to hand over the power,” she continues. “It’s not going to be that easy but it takes the strong people with a strong moral code to stand up and say, ‘well, we’re not putting up with this’.

“We’re going to block them and interrupt them every way we possibly can. We’re not going to roll over and have our tummies tickled we’re not going to roll over and die and be replaced.

She then includes clips of Malachy Steenson’s “glorious win” and hails the newly-elected anti-immigration councillor as “a great speaker who says it like it is”.

“He is a man of the people and I’m delighted for him.”

She adds: “For any of those old naysayers who say, ‘don’t bother, deregister, do nothing, lick the ice cream, let them have it’. It won’t just fall away, don’t be so stupid, of course it never fall away on its own.

“We have to get in there and wrestle it off them and make sure we have standards again and change the laws so that it doesn’t allow people who are just brand new into Ireland the ability to vote. That is disgusting and wrong and should be changed.”

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