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Expert spotlight: Brianne Kanach | ExxonMobil



Expert spotlight: Brianne Kanach | ExxonMobil

How’s she doing it? Through evolving recipes.

This journey involves a dash of science, a pinch of creativity and a whole lot of testing. “We start by understanding energy needs,” Brianne said. “We chat with car makers, dig into their problems and leap over hurdles together, trying to match fuel power to application expectations.”

Scientists in lab coats cook up a fuel recipe in the lab, and then test in real engines—pushing them to the limits. Then it’s back to the lab to fine-tune the blend. Gradually, a fuel takes shape—one that could be produced commercially to power your vehicle.

It’s a constant evolution, learning from each stage. “We measure success by setting clear goals, trying out ingredients, demonstrating progress and identifying promising solutions,” Brianne said.

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