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Face of ‘manipulator’ (33) who sexually abused his niece in grandparents home



Face of ‘manipulator’ (33) who sexually abused his niece in grandparents home

“I have lost family because of you,” she said.

Ronan O’Grady (33) of Hosack Road, London, England, pleaded guilty at the Central Criminal Court to eight counts of sexually assaulting his niece, Keely O’Grady, at various locations in Co. Offaly on dates between June 18, 2004 and June 17, 2008. She was aged between six and nine at the time, while he was aged between 13 and 17.

The abuse occurred primarily at Ms O’Grady’s grandparents’ home in Mucklagh when she was being minded and where O’Grady was living with his parents at the time. It also occurred in her own home in Tullamore when he was babysitting her. His parents – her grandparents – continue to support him, the court heard.

Ms O’Grady waived her right to anonymity so her uncle could be named. In a statement issued to the media after the sentence was handed down, she said there is “an epidemic of child abuse” in Ireland and the country needs to more to protect its victims.

Sentencing O’Grady today, Mr Justice Paul McDermott noted that people who might have offered support to the young woman when she came forward about the abuse had instead been “dismissive of the deep trauma caused by (the abuse).”

“The entire family relationship has been disrupted as often happens in such situations where the abused child is blamed by some for speaking up on the terrible crimes committed upon her,” the judge said.

The judge noted a Probation Services report found O’Grady had demonstrated little insight or remorse. He maintained that he was very young himself at the time of the offending. The judge noted that while he was 13 years’ old when the abuse started, it continued for a prolonged period of time, ending when he was 17 years’ old.

He noted O’Grady is “talented” and “well-educated”. “I have no doubt he knew what he was doing was seriously wrong,” the judge said.

He noted O’Grady had pleaded guilty to eight separate and serious offences of sexual assault of his niece. He said this was a clear and unambiguous acceptance of his guilt and “the truth of the matter”.

The court heard the abuse involved O’Grady repeatedly touching his niece inappropriately, penetrating her digitally, making her perform oral sex on him, humping her and showing her pornography. On one occasion, his friend hid in the wardrobe and recorded some of the abuse on a phone, the court heard.

In her victim impact statement which she read out in court earlier this week, Ms O’Grady, now aged 26, said it has been 20 years since her uncle first started abusing her.

She showed a framed photo of herself aged six to the court, saying: “I was a cheery, happy friendly child, which it makes it harder for me to accept that that little six-year-old was hiding everything that happened to her.”

The court heard that Ms O’Grady started suffering from flashbacks when she was 18 and got in touch with O’Grady on social media to tell him she remembered what he had done. He wrote back: “I remember too. I hope you’re OK.” He added that he was “young and stupid” at the time.

But despite these admissions, O’Grady maintained his innocence and fought the charges until his Central Criminal Court trial was about to start, when he entered the guilty pleas.

Ms O’Grady said she has suffered with depression, severe anxiety, stress, paranoia and self-harm as a result of the abuse she suffered at the hands of O’Grady.

In her victim impact statement, she said he was a “manipulator” who manipulated everyone around him and continued to lie about the abuse, even after he confirmed it in his social media messages to her.

“I have lost family because of you,” she said.

She said it was particularly hurtful having to tell her grandfather about the abuse and that she was then left wondering why he was protecting his son and not her. She said she was asked by family members if she was sure she wanted to pursue the case and was told to move on with her life.

“Being told to move on is the highest insult,” she said. “Because that is what I am doing and I’m doing it as I process the abuse.”

She said she had been abused in her grandparents’ home where she should have been safe, and by someone she should have been safe with. “He manipulated everyone around me,” she said, adding she was the one made to feel like she was on trial.

“But Ronan O’Grady is the criminal here, not me.”

Ms O’Grady’s grandparents have stood by their son and were in court to support him, along with his partner.

The court heard O’Grady worked in finance in Canada and most recently in London. He took the stand and told the court he was very sorry for what he had done. He has no previous convictions.

His partner also took the stand and outlined the difficulties they will have in the future as a result of his convictions and his being on the sex offenders register. She said they have had to put their lives on hold, including marriage and children, as a result.

Defence counsel Colm Smyth SC urged the judge to be as lenient as possible.

Mr Justice McDermott said that had he been sentencing O’Grady as an adult, he would have set a headline sentence of eight years. He reduced it to a headline sentence of three years and six months, noting O’Grady was a juvenile at the time of the offending.

He further reduced this to two years, taking a number of mitigating factors into account, including O’Grady’s lack of previous convictions, his guilty pleas and the fact he has been assessed as at a low risk of re-offending.

The judge declined to suspend any part of the sentence, noting O’Grady’s stated intention to return to the UK once he has served his sentence. He backdated it to Monday, when he went into custody.

In a statement issued to media after the sentence, Ms O’Grady said: “I want survivors to know that I see you and I see the daily battle you have every day to fight for yourself. Whatever is holding you back, whether that’s fear or family influence, I want you to know you can get through this…

“Every child deserves a safe place free from abuse. I want change – I want change not only for myself but for every survivor. There is an epidemic of child abuse in Ireland and no one is talking about it. Ireland needs to do better to protect our children.”

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