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Five ‘surprising’ early signs of dementia that are easily missed – expert



Five ‘surprising’ early signs of dementia that are easily missed – expert

Dementia can be a devastating diagnosis for both the affected person and their loved ones. It is a progressive condition that leads to the gradual deterioration of the brain.

Many of us are aware of some of the most common and well-known signs. These include issues with memory, confusion and personality changes.

However, experts say the earliest signs of dementia can be “surprising” and are often more subtle than expected.

According to Katherine Rankin, a neuropsychologist at the University of California, any change in a person’s usual behaviour or abilities can be a cause for concern, reports the Express. While these symptoms should prompt a visit to the doctor, Dr Rankin says it’s important to note they are not “signs of dementia unless they are a change from someone’s previous behaviour.”

Speaking to Everyday Health, she shared five early signs of dementia to spot.

Five early signs of dementia to spot

Difficulty spotting sarcasm and lying

Dr Rankin said people with dementia tend to have a harder time picking up on sarcasm.

She also warned that people struggle to tell when someone was lying, although people with Alzheimer’s disease were able to.

Falling more frequently

Frequent falling could be an early signal of Alzheimer’s disease researchers say.

One study, published in the journal Frontiers in Neuroscience in 2021, found older people who later develop Alzheimer’s disease are more likely to fall in the years before their diagnosis than those who don’t have the condition.

“People will come into our office concerned because they forgot what was on their grocery list last week, but when their spouse says they’ve fallen four times in the past year, that’s a sign of a problem,” Dr Rankin explained. Regular falls could indicate other brain disorders as well.

Anti-social behavior

Dementia can lead to a loss of understanding of social norms and the law. A review in Cortex journal suggests that those with dementia might exhibit inappropriate behaviour or even engage in criminal acts.

This is particularly concerning when out-of-character actions occur in individuals in their thirties and forties, which could be an early sign of dementia. Dr Rankin noted: “Obviously, the majority of people engaging in those behaviours don’t have dementia. It’s only when a previously law-abiding citizen starts to steal or do other things that are out of character that it becomes a concern for dementia.”

Eye sight problems

People with dementia may also suffer from “reduced gaze”, making them appear to be staring and causing difficulties with reading.

While the person with dementia might not notice this, it is often apparent to those around them.

Eating strange things

Additionally, they might eat objects or rancid food without realising it.

Consuming non-food items or out-of-date foods can also be an unexpected symptom. For instance, a person with dementia might attempt to eat a flower from a restaurant table because, as Rankin explains, they “know they are there to eat but don’t know what the flower is doing there.”

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