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Funny Galway pub photo spells out the downside living in city



Funny Galway pub photo spells out the downside living in city

Everyone knows there’s nothing like a pint in the sun – especially outside one of our city’s iconic pubs.

But of course for us locals, we know that here in Galway we share the al fresco experience with he seagulls and pigeons – as one group of seshers discovered this week.

Most of the time the gulls and pigeons will leave you be to enjoy your pints in peace but on Wednesday, a photo summed up what happens when they don’t.

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The photo was shared on social media as it showed the pubgoers’ table of pints spattered with some impressive work from the birds overhead.

Taken at iconic Shop Street pub Tig Choili, the pub gamely shared the photo on Instagram as they speculated the birds must have ‘stolen a bad burger’.

The post read: “S*** happens I suppose! Pigeons must’ve stolen a bad burger!”

It’s not the most shocking thing that’s happened at a pub this week.

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