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Gardaí investigating threats to Cathal Crotty following assault conviction



Gardaí investigating threats to Cathal Crotty following assault conviction

Gardaí are investigating after a letter was posted to the family home of convicted Irish soldier Cathal Crotty warning him to leave his home in county Clare or face the threat of being kidnapped and harmed.

Crotty boasted about the attack to friends on social media afterwards: “Two to put her down, two to put her out.” 

The suspended sentence and comments from judge Tom O’Donnell, as well as Ms O’Brien’s disgust at the nature of the sentence, sparked national outrage and street protests calling for legal reforms.

Limerick Circuit Court heard Crotty grabbed Ms O’Brien by her hair and delivered six upper cut punches into her face and head. He continued punching Ms O’Brien after she fell to the ground and was loosing consciousness, the court heard.

Judge O’Donnell faced criticism for the manner in which he reasoned his decision not to impose an immediate jail sentence on Crotty.

He said he had “no doubt” Crotty’s career in the Defence Forces would be over had he jailed him.

Natasha O’Brien joining protesters outside Leinster House in Dublin on June 25. It was one of a series of nationwide rallies protesting the suspended sentence handed down to her assailant Cathal Crotty as well as comments from Judge Tom O’Donnell. Picture: Gareth Chaney/PA 

Crotty is the subject of an internal Defence Forces disciplinary process which will determine his future in the army.

However, it has emerged that gardaí are investigating the circumstances of a threatening letter sent to his family residence last Wednesday, July 3.

The letter was addressed to Cathal Crotty’s father, threatening to harm his son if he doesn’t leave the area within a specified timeframe. 

A garda spokesman said they are “aware of correspondence received at a domestic residence in Co Clare in July 2024” and that “enquiries are ongoing”.

The Director of Public Prosecutions has said it is to appeal Crotty’s sentence on the grounds that it was too lenient.

A date for the appeal has yet to be scheduled.

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