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Hack to keep towels soft and fluffy with 35p product you’ll already have at home



Hack to keep towels soft and fluffy with 35p product you’ll already have at home

Thick and fluffy towels are usually something you only ever get at fancy hotels and spas, but thanks to these industry secrets there are a few ways you can achieve this at home

The expert shares how to keep your towels soft and fluffy (stock photo)(Getty Images)

There’s nothing nicer than wrapping yourself in a thick fluffy towel after a hot bath or shower – but how do you make sure they’re always fluffy?

It seems only fancy hotels and spas can offer fluffy towels all the time and despite many people using them every single day, they always seem to feel brand new. But now you can bring that little piece of luxury home thanks to secrets from bedding and cleaning expert Nic Shacklock. If you follow her little-known trick you’ll always have the softest towels – and the best bit, it requires little effort and products you will most likely already have at home.

According to Nic, there are a number of ways professionals keep towels in the best condition for longer but there’s an easy trick to try at home. Nic from Online Bedrooms explained that a simple mix of white vinegar, bleach and extra fabric conditioner is all you need, according to The Metro.

Nic stated that white vinegar is the secret ingredient used by the hospitality industry to keep towels looking fresh and clean. All you need to do is pour two or three cups of vinegar into the laundry. It will help strip away any build-up of fabric softener left on clothes and materials and she stressed it will help break away bacteria and make them smell fresher.

You can buy white vinegar from Tesco or Sainsbury’s for just 35p, or from Morrisons for £1 – and one bottle will last for at least two or three washing loads as well. Another secret for luxurious feeling towels is to scrap the fabric softener. “If you want to keep your towels soft and fluffy, cut back on the detergent and forget about the fabric softener. All of these products build up in the towel fabric, and that’s why they feel stiff after a few washes,” according to Dean Davies, a professional cleaner at Fantastic Services.

He told The Express to cut back use less detergent and wash the towels on a medium temperature. He also advised to not stuff too many towels in at once. “Even if they fit and meet the required weight maximum when dry, remember that they absorb a lot of water and double their weight when wet. This will put a strain on your washer, and it won’t be able to wash them properly and get all of the dirt out.”

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