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Howth locals oppose €60m Glenveagh apartment scheme



Howth locals oppose €60m Glenveagh apartment scheme

It is very disillusioning for concerned Howth locals to be constantly writing objections against high density apartment schemes “that are not in keeping with what is the essence of Howth, which is old world and beautiful”.

That is according to one objector, Maria Doyle, who along with the Howth & Sutton Community Council, Hillwatch and other locals have all lodged objections against plans by builders Glenveagh Properties to construct a €60m 135 unit apartment scheme for a site adjoining Howth Demesne, Deer Park at Howth in north Co Dublin.

In the Large Scale Residential Development (LRD) lodged with Fingal Co Council, Glenveagh subsidiary, GLL PRS Holdco Limited is seeking to build the apartments in four apartments blocks ranging from three to five storeys in height.

The scheme is made up of 72 two-bedroom units and 63 one bedroom units for the 3.8 acre site.

A planning report lodged with the application states that the proposed development “promotes the delivery of sustainable residential development on a greenfield site which will facilitate increased housing supply and choice along Howth Road and its environs”.

However, in her hard hitting objection, Maria Doyle of Balkill Park, Howth contends that if the scheme proceeds, “I feel that the character and uniqueness of Howth will be further diluted”.

“This is a high density project that would mark another negative shift in the visual and historical character of Howth,” Ms Doyle said.

“It is like the powers that be are not listening or more importantly not caring. It is depressing to enter into Howth now and see huge ugly brutalist apartment blocks that are more suited to a dystopian cityscape than a coastal town like Howth,” she added.

In its objection, the Howth and Sutton Community Council claim that the apartment scheme will destroy the visual impact of the Architectural Conservation Area of Howth Castle.

Chairman of the Council, Andrew J Smith, argues that “the siting of 135 apartments on this site next to a castle of great historic interest is totally inappropriate”.

Mr Smith points to other housing and apartment plans for Howth stating that along with the scheme before the Council, a cumulative 925 are proposed.

He said that this would result in a 24% in the population of Howth based on the 2022 census.

On behalf of Hillwatch, Jacqueline Feeley has told the council that the scheme does not address the shortage of affordable family homes in Dublin, and will not contribute to the sustainable long-term development of Howth community.

Ms Feeley further stated that “more small apartments, possibly for rent, are not what Howth needs”.

“What is required are family sized units to meet the needs of the local community. There is no objection in principle to development on this site, but it is critical that the proposal be redesigned to one that does not encroach on High Amenity lands, that enhances and complements Howth village and environs, contributes to a community life, rather than harming its unique qualities and historical integrity,” she said.

Reporting by Gordon Deegan

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