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‘I will find your family’: Cork woman shouted at garda and spat blood at him



‘I will find your family’: Cork woman shouted at garda and spat blood at him

A Cork woman spat blood at a garda at the scene of a disturbance, kicked him and threatened him with the words, “I will find your family and rape your kids.” 

This was how Sergeant John Kelleher described the words and behaviour from 36-year-old Laura Malone of 29 St Michael’s Lawn, Mahon, Cork, towards a member of An Garda Síochána trying to deal with her at the scene of a drunken incident.

Defence solicitor, Eddie Burke, said: “It is hard to see that she would behave like this when you meet her sober. She wants to apologise both for her actions and for what she said.” 

Judge Mary Dorgan imposed a jail term of five months with the last one month suspended at Cork District Court.

Sgt Kelleher said the guard met Laura Malone when he was dispatched to an incident at Great William O’Brien Street.

“She was lying on the footpath covered in blood and appeared to be semi-conscious. The garda roused her and found that she had a cut to her head. She refused to give her name or say how she got her injuries.

“She told the guard to f*** off and was also abusive to the ambulance crew attempting to attend to her. She roared at them that she would deck them if they came near her.

“When the guard approached Laura Malone to hand her a bandage to apply pressure to her bleeding wound she pushed his hand away and kicked him in the shin.

“After caution she said, ‘Get your f***ing hands off me you f***ing pig, I will find your family and rape your kids’, kicking out again at him and spitting blood in his direction which did not make contact,” Sgt Kelleher said.

Suspending the last month of the five-month sentence on condition that Laura Malone would abide by the terms of a probation bond for 18 months after her release from prison, Judge Dorgan said: “Really, it is quite difficult to hear how abusive she was.” 

The accused pleaded guilty to obstruction of the garda, being threatening and abusive and being drunk and a danger to herself or others during the incident at lunchtime on April 12 2023.

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