ICSA (Irish Cattle and Sheep Farmers Association) sheep chair Willie Shaw has today (Tuesday, July 9) criticised meat processors for continuing to pull lamb prices.

This comes as Agriland reported yesterday that base prices for spring lambs are standing at €7.30/kg as up to 60c/kg has been taken off since last week.

Shaw said: “For yet another week, factories are making indefensible cuts to base prices for lamb.

“We know the demand for our product is out there, despite what the factories claim.

“Throughput so far this year is down and is expected to remain down for the rest of the year.”

According to the most recent sheep kill figures from the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM), the number of sheep slaughtered to-date in 2024 is now running 165,000 head behind the total from the same period of last year.

Spring lamb throughput remains down on this time last year by nearly 65,000 head.

“Combined with lower production levels throughout the European Union (EU), this tells us that these week-on-week price cuts are completely unjustified and are nothing more than cynical power moves by the processors to bring prices down,” the ICSA sheep chair said.

Shaw said the ICSA is receiving reports from our members that quotes have dropped by as much as 50-60c/kg this week which amounts to more than €40/head over the last few weeks.

He continued: “At yesterday’s National Fodder and Feed Security (NFFSC) meeting, there was a call put out to the industry’s major players to support farmers as input costs remain high and cash flow on farms is becoming a real issue.

“What we need now is for meat processors to heed that advice and start treating their suppliers more fairly, not try to put us out of business at every opportunity.”

The ICSA sheep chair also said that Irish sheep farmers are continuing to receive a “raw deal” compared to their European counterparts.

“Latest figures from Bord Bia show that prices here are lower than in Great Britain, Spain, and particularly France, where prices are €1.30/kg higher than what Irish farmers are getting. This price disparity is totally unjustified,” Shaw said.