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I’m a money expert – here’s my 11 top tips for saving cash on your food shop



I’m a money expert – here’s my 11 top tips for saving cash on your food shop

GROCERY bills have soared by around 25 per cent over the past two years as food inflation reached record levels.

And for many, food costs are as big a worry as energy costs, especially if you have a big family to feed.

Darragh Cassidy from shares his tips for saving money on your food shop
There are some simple changes you can make to save moneyCredit: Getty Images – Getty

This surge in prices has made it more crucial than ever for households to find effective ways to manage their expenses.

While the rising costs can feel overwhelming, there are practical strategies that can help you navigate through these challenging times.

By being smarter and savvier about how and when you shop, you can significantly reduce the cost of trips to the supermarket.

From choosing the best times to shop to understanding supermarket pricing tricks, these insights are designed to help you get the most out of every euro you spend.

Writing in the Irish Sun today, Darragh Cassidy, from price comparison site, shares valuable tips that can help you save cash at the tills and make your grocery shopping more economical.

Shop Early

IN general, going to the store early in the morning and early in the week means the shelves will be better stocked as fresh deliveries will have been made.

This means you’re less likely to have to substitute your shopping list for other (potentially more expensive) alternatives.

Sundays and bank holiday Mondays are definitely days to avoid If you have a big family and like to do a big weekly shop in one go.

However shopping late in the evening can also be beneficial sometimes . . .

And Shop Late

Most supermarkets discount soon-to-go-off meat, fruit and veg at the end of each day.

So popping into your local store late in the evening and heading for the discounted section might get you some bargains.

Cheaper alternatives

Irish households spend more on branded groceries than most of our European neighbours.

Non-branded alternatives are often almost just as good and can be a fraction of the price.

And when it comes to fresh food and drink in particular, the produce has often come from the exact same farm or factory, meaning you’re literally just paying extra for the label.

Items out of reach

Supermarkets have lots of cunning little tricks that they use to make you spend more.

A well-known one is that the products which make them the most profit (and are usually therefore the most expensive) are placed mid-shelf in your line of sight, and are easy to see and reach.

The cheaper products are often on the top or bottom shelf, and harder to reach.

So scan the shelves fully and don’t just buy the items in your line of sight.

Make a list

Ever notice that all your staple items such as cheese, milk, bread and cereal are often in completely opposite corners of the shop, forcing you to wander around more aisles and invariably spend more money?

So if you want to spend less, the best thing to do is to make a list and stick to it.

Compare price per unit

Buying in bulk is usually better value, right? Wrong.

Quite often it can be cheaper to buy items of fruit and veg separately.

Meanwhile, the 24-pod detergent that you like can sometimes be more expensive, pod for pod, than the 12-pack one.

What’s more, supermarkets constantly run special offers, meaning that the fresh orange juice you like with your morning breakfast can sometimes be cheaper to buy in two one litre cartoons rather than two litres.

So how do you know what represents the best value?

Simple — compare prices based on unit price or price per unit of measurement. In other words, compare prices based on the price per kilogramme, per pod, or per millilitre etc.

This might seem complicated to work out.

But thankfully, under EU rules, the unit price (price per unit of measurement) must be clearly displayed in shops on barcodes beside the actual price. Though it’s amazing how many people either don’t know this or don’t see it.

Shop alone

If you’ve younger kids it may not be possible to go to the supermarket alone. But it’s usually best if you want to save on your grocery costs.

Having a child or two in tow often means you’ll get a bit distracted and be harangued for putting something sweet into the trolley.

Shopping by yourself means you’ve a better chance of sticking rigidly to your list.

Vouchers/Loyalty card

Most supermarkets now have a loyalty programme.

It might be a money off voucher (Dunnes and SuperValu) or a clubcard that gives you cheaper prices (Tesco).

So make sure you have these to hand when paying for your shopping.

Shop local

Get acquainted with your local butcher, greengrocer, florist and pharmacy etc.

Supermarkets are great for convenience, but they’re not always best for price.

Often it’s cheaper to get your meat, veg or beauty products in the local butcher, grocer or pharmacy down the road.

What’s more, the quality of the food will often be better than what you’ll find in a major chain supermarket and you’ll be supporting your local high street too. A real win-win.

Buy less meat

I’m not saying you have to become a vegetarian or go vegan, but eating a bit less meat each week will be good for your diet, your pocket and the environment.

Consider making a healthy soup with leftover veg in the fridge. Or add eggs to meals instead if you need lots of protein.

Cut food waste

Reducing food waste will mean fewer trips to the supermarket.

Buy some good quality, air-tight containers for things like pasta, cereal, crackers and coffee to keep these items fresher for longer.

Potatoes should be kept in a cool, dark place, ideally under 10C, otherwise the light and warmth will cause them to photosynthesize and sprout.

And don’t be afraid to buy frozen veg like broccoli, cauliflower, peas and carrots.

Read more on the Irish Sun

It’ll last way longer and most studies say frozen veg actually has more vitamins and minerals than fresh veg as the freezing process locks in the nutrients.

And if your fruit and veg seems a bit past its best for a standalone dish, consider making a meal of it. For example vegetables can be made into a nice soup or stew and potatoes can be made into a casserole

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