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Kevin Palmer: Novak Djokovic cemented his pariah status in tennis with latest Wimbledon rant



Kevin Palmer: Novak Djokovic cemented his pariah status in tennis with latest Wimbledon rant

Seven-time Wimbledon champion clashed with fans on Centre Court once again

Novak Djokovic lashed out at a hostile Wimbledon crowd once again (Getty)

Kevin Palmer at Wimbledon

Wimbledon’s Centre Court tends to be a scene of opulent serenity over the two weeks of The Championships, but all that changes when Novak Djokovic steps onto the big stage.

The bad boy of tennis was back in the eye of a storm on Monday night, as a crowd that may have had a few too many drinks in their hospitality tents decided the moment had come to have some fun at the expense of the most successful male tennis player of all-time.

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