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Landlord based in Mexico tops Tax Defaulters’ List



Landlord based in Mexico tops Tax Defaulters’ List

Christian Carter, a landlord with an address in Iztacalco, Mexico City has topped the latest Tax Defaulters’ List from Revenue.

Mr Carter owed revenue €402,946 in under-declared income tax.

When interest of €245,874 and penalties of €302,209 were added, the total amount due was €951,029.

Of this, Revenue said €873,294 was unpaid as of the end of March.

Revenue published 11 cases today, with total settlement amounts in these cases exceeding €4 million.

All of the cases exceeded €100,000, while four topped €500,000.

The next largest settlement totalling €558,818 related to Clonmel Auto Sales Limited, trading as Premier Autos, based at The Rink, Queen Street, Clonmel, Co Tipperary.

The motor vehicle dealer under-declared VAT of €354,208.

All of the money in this case, which included interest of €98,348 and €106,262 in penalties, has been fully paid to Revenue.

The next biggest settlement involved Mielzyslaw Antkiewicz, a retired haulier trading as Polartrans, with an address in Blanchardstown Village, Dublin 15.

In total, €541,035 was owed to Revenue following an audit case, relating to the under-declaration of PAYE, PRSI, USC and VAT.

This included €20,564 in interest and €169,885 in penalties. Revenue said €527,753 remained unpaid at the end of March.

The final settlement to top €500,000 relates to a scaffolding contractor with an address at Knockbrack, Letterkenny, Co Donegal.

D.O.E. Scaffolding Hire & Sales Limited owed Revenue €347,919 in under-declared PAYE, PRSI, USC and VAT.

When interest and penalties were included, the total settlement came to €502,611.

Revenue said the full amount in this case has been fully repaid.

Another case relates to caravan site owner Thomas Healy, of the Curragh, Ardmore, County Waterford.

He under-declared VAT to the sum of €93,324.

When interest of €61,702, and penalties of €69,993 were included, the total amount owed was €225,019.

Revenue said the full amount has now been repaid.

Dog breeder Raymond Cullivan with an address at Corfeehone, Poles, Co Cavan also appeared on the tax defaulters’ list.

Mr Cullivan owed Revenue €62,956 in under-declaration of income tax and VAT.

When interest and penalties were included, he owed Revenue a total of €108,155 – which has been fully repaid.

An emergency accommodation provider, trading as the Falcon Inn in County Kerry also features on the list under the name Puca Entertainment Limited.

The company, with an address at Gowlane, Glenbeigh owed Revenue €100,500.00 due to the restriction of repayment of VAT.

In this case, Revenue did not charge interest, but did charge penalties of €30,150, bringing the total owed to €130,650. The total amount has now been fully repaid.

Today, Revenue also published details of 79 court imposed penalties and fines which amounted to €178,215.

14 of these cases related to the failure to lodge income tax returns, 22 related to the misuse of mineral oil, while 28 related to excise offences for tobacco smuggling, illegal selling of tobacco and possession of untaxed tobacco for sale.

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