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‘Light up your Life’ at Williamstown Tennis Club



‘Light up your Life’ at Williamstown Tennis Club

13 June 2024 | Tennis Victoria

The Williamstown Tennis Club held a ‘Light up your Life’ social night on 16 May 2024 to welcome the club’s new lighting system that was installed over the summer. This installation has taken place with the support and generosity of the Hobson’s Bay City Council.

The new LED lighting system is a welcome addition to the club; an upgrade from the corroded light poles and slow inefficient and unreliable vapour lights.

The new lights will reduce the club’s power bills and greenhouse emissions. It has provided a safe playing arena with most poles outside the court area and the illumination is excellent. The lights have been linked to the clubs court booking system.

At the event Club President Derek Campbell thanked those who had contributed to the project; the Council, Sports & Recreation Project Manager Bradley Watt, and former Club President Creine Lister.

Councillor Pamela Sutton-Legaud acknowledged the club’s service to the community, which started in 1880, with the current pavilion nearing its centenary. The Club and Council are looking forward to working together to continue to preserve and improve this great facility.

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