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New Cork health centre has slashed waiting lists across South-West region



New Cork health centre has slashed waiting lists across South-West region

A new HSE hub has helped slash outpatient waiting lists for people with diabetes or respiratory conditions and reduce admissions to hospitals across Cork and Kerry. 

The Westfield Integrated Care Centre, which has opened in Ballincollig, provides patients with complex conditions or chronic disease with care closer to home. 

Figures released by the HSE this weekend show that it, its staff and services have helped deliver an 80% reduction in the number of people waiting more than 12 months for a diabetes-related outpatient appointment at Cork University Hospital (CUH); a 53% reduction in the number of people with respiratory difficulties waiting over 12 months for an appointment; and a 26% reduction overall in the numbers waiting for respiratory outpatient appointments at CUH.

A €240m investment in enhanced community care is a key part of Sláintecare, which is designed to deliver more healthcare services closer to where people live, reducing the pressure on hospitals. 

Enhanced community care has seen the appointment of specialist teams to care for older people and people with chronic disease, with four of a planned eight integrated care consultants in place in the South-West region.

In the South-West, many of the integrated care services are being delivered from the new 70,000sq ft Westfield facility.

HSE figures show that in the South-West, community specialist teams for older people completed more than 20,000 patient contacts in 2023, with 80% of adults discharged home with community support. As few as 4% required admission to an acute hospital, 13% were reviewed on the same day or next day, and only 1% of patients required long-term care. 

There has been a 16% reduction in hospital admissions for those with chronic disease across 2019-2022 against the backdrop of a 7% increase for all medical admissions, and a record 72,000 radiology scans were completed through a ‘GP access to diagnostics’ scheme in 2023, up from just over 56,000 the previous year, further reducing referrals to hospital emergency or outpatient departments.

HSE South-West regional executive officer Dr Andy Phillips said while progress was being made, there was still work to do to reduce waiting times.

“People using the integrated service report faster referral times and a multi-disciplinary approach that allows them to see several healthcare professionals at one visit, rather than having to travel to separate appointments,” he said. 

“Hubs like these keep people living well, with care services close to home.”

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