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Once-Off Annual €1,850 Grant Paid To Carer’s Next Week



Once-Off Annual €1,850 Grant Paid To Carer’s Next Week

The Carer’s Support Grant, which was previously known as the Respite Care Grant, is being paid to carers next week.

The grant is a once-off annual payment paid by the Department of Social Protection (DSP).

Those in receipt of Carer’s Allowance; Carer’s Benefit and Domiciliary Care Allowance will automatically receive the bonus.

Those in receipt of Carer’s Allowance; Carer’s Benefit and Domiciliary Care Allowance will automatically receive the bonus. Pic: Getty Images

Only one carer per person can receive the payment, which will be paid on Thursday, June 6, 2024. Those caring for more than one person will receive the payment for each.

Those not receiving Carer’s Allowance; Carer’s Benefit or Domiciliary Care Allowance may still qualify for the Carer’s Support Grant.

They must be:

  • Aged 16 or over.
  • Ordinarily resident in Ireland.
  • Caring for the person on a full-time basis.
  • Caring for the person for at least six months (this must include June 6).
  • Living with the person being cared for or meet specific criteria.
money, payment
Those not receiving Carer’s Allowance; Carer’s Benefit or Domiciliary Care Allowance may apply for the Carer’s Support Grant by filling in the application form which can be gotten online or via your local Social Welfare Branch. Pic: Getty Images

During the six-month caring period, you cannot:

  • Work more than 18.5 hours weekly.
  • Take part in an education or training course for more than 18.5 hours weekly.
  • Be in receipt of Jobseeker’s Allowance/ Jobseeker’s Benefit.
  • Sign on for credited contributions.
  • Reside in a hospital, convalescent home or similar.

Those not receiving Carer’s Allowance; Carer’s Benefit or Domiciliary Care Allowance may apply for the Carer’s Support Grant by filling in the application form which can be gotten online or via your local Social Welfare Branch.

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