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Paratroopers recreate Normandy drop for D-Day anniversary



Paratroopers recreate Normandy drop for D-Day anniversary

British army paratroopers have recreated a drop into the fields of Normandy on the eve of the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings.

The D-Day commemorations are set against a backdrop of a modern conflict in Europe – Russia’s more than two-year war in Ukraine.

British veterans sailed to Normandy where, 80 years ago this week, they fought to liberate France as part of D-Day, preparing to taking part in ceremonies marking a major turning point of WWII.

The special voyage was part of celebrations for D-Day’s 80th anniversary, likely to be the last marked on a grand scale in the presence of those who fought in 1944. About 200 veterans, most American and British, are expected to take part.

With war raging on Europe’s borders, this week’s D-Day ceremonies carry special resonance. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky will be among the guests.

A British ceremony took place this afternoon in Portsmouth, the main departure point for the 5,000 ships that headed to Normandy for the 6 June 1944 operation.

“Today we come together to honour those nearly 160,000 British, Commonwealth and Allied troops who, on 5th June 1944, assembled here and along these shores to embark on the mission which would strike that blow for freedom and be recorded as the greatest amphibious operation in history,” Britain’s King Charles said.

“Let us, once again, commit ourselves always to remember, cherish and honour those who served that day and to live up to the freedom they died for.”

About 4,400 Allied troops died on D-Day.

US veterans gathered in the town of Sainte-Mere-Eglise, northwestern France

“War is a nonsense, really. But in this case, it was necessary,” said Royal Navy veteran gunner Bob Gravells, who ferried troops to the Normandy beaches.

“I’m proud that I played a very small part in freeing Europe. A very small part,” the 99-year-old said, as he attended the commemoration in Normandy.

The main ceremonies will take place in France tomorrow with world leaders and royalty including US President Joe Biden, French President Emmanuel Macron, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, and Britain’s King Charles and Queen Camilla.

With war raging in Ukraine, on Europe’s borders, this year’s commemoration will carry special resonance.

Britain’s King Charles and Queen Camilla attended an event in Portsmouth

British and US veterans have been gathering near Benouville Bridge, codenamed Pegasus Bridge during D-Day.

Thousands of tourists also visited beaches and World War II cemeteries.

Collectors drove army jeeps, and US, Canadian, British and French flags adorned buildings.

Nearby in Merville, where the British 9th airborne parachute regiment launched an assault to take a German battery to facilitate the arrival of troops from Sword beach, hundreds of soldiers and tourists took part in a solemn ceremony.

According to officials, only one man from that regiment is still alive and is too frail to travel.

Local people determined to keep alive the memory of the 6 June landings dressed in uniforms from the period to represent the various units that took part in the assault.

“These men came here to make the world a better, more peaceful place,” President of 9th Batttalion Regiment Association Paul Hill said.

“Sadly after 80 years we have lost our veteran friends one by one. Their stories are still with us and must be passed on.”

President Macron paid tribute to French resistance fighters in Brittany and to civilian victims of Allied bombardments carried out as part of D-Day and the Battle of Normandy.

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