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‘Passenger was furious I wouldn’t swap plane seats – but I wanted full row’



‘Passenger was furious I wouldn’t swap plane seats – but I wanted full row’

A man has sparked a debate after revealing he ‘banned’ a stranger from sitting next to him on a plane because he wanted the extra room for himself.

The 34-year-old explained how he was travelling back from Dublin to Washington DC with his wife, 36, when luck struck. The couple ended up with an entire row to themselves after the passenger assigned to the aisle didn’t show up. He said on Reddit : “We were assigned the middle and window seats in a row. The aisle passenger no-showed so we ended up having the entire row to ourselves (huge win). Before leaving the gate, I moved to the aisle seat and my wife stayed at the window.

“Nothing eventful happened for the first 4.5 hours of the flight. The flight attendants were amazing and even gave us extra drinks for the ‘guy in the middle’.” However, a passenger approached them mid-flight and said her friend would now be taking the middle seat because she ‘needed’ to escape the cries of a baby sitting near her.

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“She did not ask – she told us this was happening. There were about three hours of flight time remaining. I ask the woman whether the flight attendants are on board with this. She said yes, but since these deals are usually brokered by the flight attendant, I called over a flight attendant.

“The flight attendant said the agreement was that they could take an available aisle seat but could not disrupt anyone’s seating arrangements. The woman then starts moaning about how I was assigned the middle but then moved to the aisle before takeoff, so I shouldn’t even have that aisle seat. I had been sitting there for almost 5 hours and we had already distributed our items all over the row.”

Following this, the woman and her friend went off to speak to the flight attendants before returning to him about five minutes later. He added: “The woman across the aisle then comes back to her seat and proceeds to yell at me saying that ‘her friend would not be sitting there – not because she was not allowed to, but because I was so incredibly rude,’ and that I was a ‘f****** a*******’. I kept my eyes on the show I was watching.

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